Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The world of Nurela - an osr campaign setting

The World of Nurela

Herein there be a reckoning of the known lands, as laid down on this day, the eleventh of Fanus, in the two hundred and twenty-third year of Dellenian Counting. Recorded in faith and with honor by Thaenus Morellius, royal historian in service to his Majesty Kerrien the Just, Master of Tenspires, Great King of Thalus.

Nurela is realm of my creation, with influences from many sources both historical and fantastical. It is a work in progress, which changes and grows in complexity as I add to it. It is here for your use, to take, alter, use and enjoy free of charge according to the creative commons license listed at the right of this page.

The origins of Nurela began in 1979 when I first began running a Basic D&D campaign, and then through the strange amalgam of B/X and 1eD&D which we continued to play for years afterward.  Many of the names of places, gods, heroes and villans in this world are based on characters, players, NPC's  and events from my original campaigns in '79-'82. Although all of my old notes are long since lost, I have recreated as much as possible from memory. I will attempt to fill in the gaps in this world as much as I can as life permits. 

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